Autism Treatment in Hyderabad

Estimated prevalence of Autism in India is around 1 in 68 children

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Early detection of Autism is a key

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    The estimated prevalence of Autism in India is around 1 in 68 children.

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    Early detection of Autism is a key.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) isn’t just a diagnosis. It’s a journey that starts in childhood. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 1 in 100 children worldwide have autism. A recent study in India found that approximately 1 in 100 children under age 10 is diagnosed with autism. Notably, ASD is almost four times more prevalent among boys than girls.

Autism TreatmentA complex neurobehavioral disorder, it impacts how individuals interact, communicate, and behave. Each person’s experience with autism is unique. Patients may face varied and various challenges. They may have issues reading social cues, repeating behaviors, or having focused interests. While the roots of autism are not completely clear, we know that genetics and environment play a part.

 “Early detection and support are key to better outcomes”, says Dr. Raveesh Sunkara, a famous neurosurgeon in Hyderabad. “Understanding and dealing with autism calls for compassion and proficiency”.

Dr. Raveesh Sunkara is an important figure for autism treatment in Hyderabad. He is committed to nurturing every individual with autism toward their fullest potential. He follows this determination by offering a variety of treatments according to personal needs. Dr. Sunkara and his team ensure that every person with ASD gets the necessary care and support they need to succeed.

Unlock your potential with the top neurosurgeon in Hyderabad, Dr. Raveesh Sunkara.

Treatment Approaches

  • Behavioral Management Therapy:

    Behavioral management therapy helps people with ASD learn new skills and improve behavior. We use methods like breaking tasks into small steps and rewarding good behavior. Our therapists work with individuals and families to make a plan that works for them. This therapy helps ASD patients do better in daily life and become more independent.

Behavioral Management Therapy

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT):

    CBT focuses on helping individuals understand and manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It aims to identify and change negative thought patterns. This helps to develop coping strategies for social and emotional challenges. Our therapists work closely with individuals with ASD to:

    • teach problem-solving skills
    • improve communication
    • enhance social interactions

    By targeting specific behaviors, CBT helps reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being. The goal is to foster greater independence and quality of life.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT):

  • Early Intervention:

    Neurosurgeon Dr. Raveesh Sunkara recommends early intervention for autism treatment in Hyderabad. Children with ASD receive targeted support through a combination of therapies, such as:

    • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
    • Speech therapy
    • Occupational therapy

    Dr. Sunkara advises starting interventions as early as possible, typically before age 3. Early intervention focuses on improving communication skills, social interaction, and behavior regulation. It also provides vital support and guidance for families. It empowers them to better understand and support their child’s unique needs. This further leads to improved long-term outcomes and quality of life.

Early Intervention

  • Educational and School-Based Therapies:

    We conduct educational and school-based therapies for ASD within classroom settings. These interventions focus on enhancing academic skills, social interaction, and behavior management. We employ personalized strategies to support students in developing essential skills and confidence. We focus on working together with teachers and parents to create a welcoming environment where everyone can grow and succeed. We use plans like IEPs* and special teaching methods to help each person reach their goals. The goal is to empower students to excel both academically and socially.

    *IEP – Individualized Education Plans

Educational and School-Based Therapies

  • Joint Attention Therapy:

    Joint attention therapy is an important part of autism treatment in Hyderabad. It helps improve social skills by encouraging shared focus between people. Our therapists use structured activities to teach how to pay attention to social cues like eye contact and gestures. By practicing these skills, they learn to interact better with others. Strengthening joint attention abilities also helps them build better relationships and feel more included.

Joint Attention Therapy:

  • Joint Attention Therapy:

    Medication treatment for ASD helps manage problems like aggression, hyperactivity, and anxiety. It is often used together with other therapies to make a complete plan that fits the person’s needs. There’s no medicine to cure autism. But some medications can help with specific challenges. For instance:

    • Antipsychotics like risperidone or aripiprazole may reduce irritability and aggression
    • Stimulants like methylphenidate can help with hyperactivity and attention issues
    • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) might be used for anxiety or depression

    “But it’s important to watch closely for how the person responds and any side effects,” cautions Dr. Raveesh Sunkara. The experienced neurosurgeon, Dr. Sunkara, is the go-to expert for people seeking autism therapy in Hyderabad.

Medication Treatment

  • Nutritional Therapy :

    Nutritional therapy for autism looks at how food affects symptoms and overall health. Some studies suggest that certain diets might help with gastrointestinal issues and behavior in some. These include gluten-free or casein-free diets. Also, dietary supplements like vitamins, minerals, or omega-3 fatty acids might help with nutritional needs and brain health. But what works can be different for each person, so more research is needed to understand its full impact. Talking to dietitians or nutritionists can help you figure out the best food plan for your child.

Nutritional Therapy

  • Occupational Therapy:

    Occupational therapy (OT) for autism helps people learn skills for everyday life. It focuses on things like dressing, eating, and taking care of themselves. Therapists use activities and exercises to teach these skills. They also help with sensory issues, like being sensitive to sounds or textures. OT works on improving both small and big movements, like using hands and walking. OT can help people with autism do better at school, at home, and in the community.

Occupational Therapy

Secure your spot for expert consultation and tailored therapeutic approaches today.

Explore premier autism treatments in Hyderabad with Dr. Raveesh Sunkara.

Can Autism Get Better With Age?

Autism lasts a lifetime, but symptoms can get better as people get older. Many learn ways to handle social situations and daily life better. Early help, like therapy and support in school, is really important for progress.

But everyone’s journey is different! Some see big improvements, while others still have struggles. With the right help, though, lots of people with autism can have happy lives as they grow up.

Let’s explore why Dr. Sunkara is the trusted choice for autism treatment in Hyderabad.

Why Choose - Dr. Raveesh Sunkara for Autism Treatment

Extensive Experience: Dr. Raveesh Sunkara brings a decade of specialized experience in treating ASD.

Personalized Approach: Dr. Sunkara offers tailored treatment plans. He recognizes each child’s unique needs and preferences.

Compassionate Care: Dr. Sunkara provides a supportive environment for both children and their families.

Comprehensive Evaluations: Dr. Sunkara conducts thorough assessments to understand the individual’s strengths, challenges, and specific requirements.

Innovative Therapies: Dr. Sunkara utilizes the latest advancements in autism treatment. He offers innovative therapies to maximize the child’s progress and well-being.

Collaborative Approach: Dr. Sunkara works closely with families, teachers, and other healthcare providers. He ensures that everyone’s involved in the care and everything is coordinated.

Are you searching for the best doctor for autism in Hyderabad?


Aryan’s case shows how autism treatment in Hyderabad, led by Dr. Raveesh Sunkara, can help. People with autism can achieve meaningful improvements and feel better through:

  • expert guidance
  • personalized care
  • evidence-based interventions
  • collaborative efforts

Frequently Asked Questions

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a developmental disorder. It affects how a person interacts with others, and experiences the world around them.

Common signs of autism include challenges in social communication, such as:

    • difficulty making eye contact
    • engaging in conversation
    • repetitive behaviors
    • sensory sensitivities
    • narrow interests

Sensory sensitivity can cause discomfort in response to certain sensory stimuli, such as:

    • Bright lights
    • Loud noises
    • Strong smells
    • Rough or scratchy textures
    • Certain tastes or food textures
    • Gentle touch or pressure
    • Movement or changes in balance
    • Visual patterns or colors

 Strategies like sensory integration therapy can help individuals manage sensory challenges.

Autism diagnosis involves comprehensive evaluation by healthcare professionals. They may include developmental pediatricians, psychologists, or neurologists. This evaluation involves assessing a child’s behavior, communication skills, and developmental history.

Yes, with appropriate support and interventions, individuals can lead fulfilling and meaningful lives. They can help individuals with ASD thrive in various aspects of life.

The exact cause of autism is still unknown. But research suggests that genetics may play a significant role. It’s not uncommon for autism to run in families. Certain genetic mutations or variations may increase the risk of developing autism.

Families of individuals with autism can access a range of support services, including:

    • parent training programs
    • respite care
    • support groups
    • advocacy organizations

These resources provide valuable information, guidance, and emotional support.