Knowing the Symptoms: How to Recognize a Brain Tumour Early On

Knowing the Symptoms: How to Recognize a Brain Tumour Early on

Brain tumours are one of the most severe health conditions impacting a person’s quality of life. Identifying a brain tumour’s early signs and symptoms is crucial for timely diagnosis and effective treatment. Regarding brain conditions, seeking advice from a qualified professional is essential. Dr. Raveesh Sunkara, a highly skilled neurosurgeon in Hyderabad, specializes in diagnosing…

Advances In Spinal Tumour Treatments

Advances in Spinal Cord Tumor Treatments

Spinal cord tumors, although relatively rare, can have devastating effects on a patient’s quality of life. These abnormal growths in or around the spine can lead to pain, paralysis, and neurological dysfunction. Over the years, medical science has made remarkable strides in spinal tumor treatments, bringing hope to patients and significantly improving outcomes. Dr. Raveesh…

Do You Have Frequent Headaches?

Do You Have Frequent Headaches?

Individuals battling with frequent headaches must seek professional help. Consult Dr Raveesh Sunkara, a renowned neurosurgeon in Hyderabad. He has extensive experience diagnosing and treating various neurological conditions, including headaches.  Headaches are a common ailment that affects a significant portion of the population. While occasional headaches can be a minor inconvenience, frequent or severe headaches can significantly impact…

What Are Migraine Triggers?

What Are Migraine Triggers?

Migraines are a debilitating and often chronic neurological condition affecting millions worldwide. These intense headaches can last from a few hours to several days. This condition significantly impacts a person’s quality of life.  While the exact cause of migraines is still not fully understood, researchers have identified specific triggers that can initiate or worsen an…

Living With Brain Tumor?

Living With Brain Tumor?

Receiving the news of having cancer can be an incredibly challenging experience, completely upending your life. Discovering that you have a tumor in your brain can be particularly devastating. However, you must understand that you are not facing an immediate threat to your life. Brain tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). While a…

Dr. Raveesh Sunkara Featured on 10TV News Telugu

Dr. Raveesh Sunkara Featured on 10TV News Telugu

About Dr. Raveesh Sunkara: Dr. Raveesh Sunkara, an esteemed Neurosurgeon, currently practices at Yashoda Hospitals in Telangana. With over 7 years of experience in the field, Dr. Sunkara is widely recognized as one of the best Neurosurgeons in Hyderabad. Yashoda Hospitals is equipped with cutting-edge neurosurgical facilities that meet international standards, ensuring top-quality care for…

Brain Tumour Myths Debunked

Brain Tumor Myths Debunked

We often perceive a brain tumor as unbeatable, but the top brain tumor specialists would disagree. The term brain tumor is terrifying, and patients typically experience feelings of depression upon receiving a diagnosis. This fear is often influenced by the portrayal of brain tumors in Indian soaps and movies, which depict them as messengers of…