Trigeminal Neuralgia Surgery in Hyderabad

More common in females than males.

Success rate of about 80–90%

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    More common in females than males.

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    Success rate of about 80–90%

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) originates from the trigeminal nerve. This nerve is responsible for transmitting sensations from the face to the brain. Patients often describe TN as a lightning bolt of pain across the face(1).

“The condition causes sudden, severe, and recurrent facial pain,” describes Dr. Raveesh Sunkara. “The pain is so intense that it makes routine activities a constant struggle.”

Fortunately, TN patients can find expert relief through advanced surgical interventions. Leading this charge is Dr. Raveesh Sunkara, a distinguished neurosurgeon in Hyderabad. Dr. Sunkara is committed to providing compassionate care for people battling this challenging ailment.

Trigeminal Neuralgia Surgery

Dr. Raveesh Sunkara

Dr. Sunkara’s commitment to patient well-being goes beyond surgical precision. He offers personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs. His skillful interventions have positioned him as a leading neurosurgeon in Hyderabad.

Embark on a journey to pain-free living with Dr. Raveesh Sunkara.

Dr. Raveesh

Book a consultation with Dr. Raveesh now to find relief from Trigeminal Neuralgia

Book a consultation with Dr. Raveesh now to find relief from Trigeminal Neuralgia

Let’s understand the common symptoms that make each moment like an electric shock.

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia

  • Sudden, severe, stabbing pain on one side of the face.
  • Electric shock-like sensations triggered by mild stimuli like touching or even a breeze.
  • Episodes of pain that may last for a few seconds to minutes.
  • Unilateral facial pain, usually around the eyes, nose, lips, or jaw.
  • Intense, paroxysmal pain triggered by routine activities such as chewing or talking.
  • In some severe cases, it may be accompanied by twitching of facial muscles.

Curious about what triggers those sudden jolts of facial pain? Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia

The causes that turn each episode of TN into an electrical storm in the face include:

  • Blood vessel compression:

    Blood vessels may compress the trigeminal nerve in a particular zone which can lead to pain with each pulsation.

  • Aging:

    As we age the protective layer around the trigeminal nerve called myelin sheath may be damaged. This can result in pain in pain.

  • Multiple sclerosis:

    Damage to the myelin sheath due to multiple sclerosis may contribute to TN.

  • Tumor pressure:

    Pressure from a tumour on the trigeminal nerve can induce pain. ( like Trigeminal Schwannoma etc.)

  • Genetic factors:

    A family history of Trigeminal Neuralgia may sometimes increase the risk.

    Expert neurosurgeon Dr. Sunkara specializes in addressing the root causes and symptoms to diagnose the condition correctly. His expert diagnostic approach enables him to chalk out a plan to improve patients’ well-being.

Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia

The causes that turn each episode of TN into an electrical storm in the face include:

  • Blood vessel compression:

    Blood vessels may compress the trigeminal nerve in a particular zone which can lead to pain with each pulsation.

  • Aging:

    As we age the protective layer around the trigeminal nerve called myelin sheath may be damaged. This can result in pain in pain.

  • Multiple sclerosis:

    Damage to the myelin sheath due to multiple sclerosis may contribute to TN.

  • Tumor pressure:

    Pressure from a tumour on the trigeminal nerve can induce pain. ( like Trigeminal Schwannoma etc.)

  • Genetic factors:

    A family history of Trigeminal Neuralgia may sometimes increase the risk.

    Expert neurosurgeon Dr. Sunkara specializes in addressing the root causes and symptoms to diagnose the condition correctly. His expert diagnostic approach enables him to chalk out a plan to improve patients’ well-being.

Trigeminal Neuralgia Diagnosis

Diagnosing Trigeminal Neuralgia is a crucial step towards effective management. If undetected, trigeminal neuralgia and specific conditions could potentially heighten the risk of a brain stroke.(2)

Understanding the distinctive methods employed by experts is essential for those seeking relief.

Diagnosis methods include:

  • Neurological Examination

Skilled neurologist Dr. Raveesh Sunkara conducts a thorough examination to:

  • assess facial sensations
  • reflexes
  • muscle strength

These tests help in pinpointing signs of Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Cost in India: A neurological examination in India is affordable and accessible compared to other nations. It typically ranges from INR 500 to INR 2000.

  • MRI Scans

Dr. Sunkara conducts MRI scans using advanced imaging technology. They provide detailed views of the brain. This helps in revealing any compression or abnormalities in the trigeminal nerve. This non-invasive method aids in accurate diagnosis. These MRI scans must be done in at least a high-quality MRI scanner (at least 1.5 Tesla machine) to come to a precise diagnosis. Arete Hospitals, where Dr Sunkara has his primary practice, is equipped with a 3 Tesla MRI, which can give the most accurate imaging. This is very beneficial, especially in cases like Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Cost in India: An MRI for TN diagnosis may range from INR 4000 to INR 8000, depending on the facility and location.

For detailed information about the costs in Hyderabad, please visit neurological expert Dr. Raveesh Sunkara.

  • MRI Scans

Dr. Sunkara conducts MRI scans using advanced imaging technology. They provide detailed views of the brain. This helps in revealing any compression or abnormalities in the trigeminal nerve. This non-invasive method aids in accurate diagnosis. These MRI scans must be done in at least a high-quality MRI scanner (at least 1.5 Tesla machine) to come to a precise diagnosis. Arete Hospitals, where Dr Sunkara has his primary practice, is equipped with a 3 Tesla MRI, which can give the most accurate imaging. This is very beneficial, especially in cases like Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Cost in India: An MRI for TN diagnosis may range from INR 4000 to INR 8000, depending on the facility and location.

For detailed information about the costs in Hyderabad, please visit neurological expert Dr. Raveesh Sunkara.

Ready to reclaim your comfort? Reach out and explore surgery options.

Ready to reclaim your comfort? Reach out and explore surgery options.

Now that the diagnosis is demystified, let’s discover the pathways to relief. Continue reading to equip yourself with the knowledge to embrace a pain-free tomorrow.

Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatments

  1. Medications:

medicineMedication is often the first line of treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia in the initial stages. Medications are crucial in managing TN, aiming to alleviate pain and reduce nerve firing.

Commonly prescribed medications for Trigeminal Neuralgia include:

  • Anticonvulsant Drugs like Carbamazepine (Tegretol): A first-line treatment, it helps control nerve impulses, reducing pain.
  • Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal): Similar to carbamazepine, it stabilizes electrical activity in the brain.
  • Muscle Relaxants like Baclofen: Often used in combination with anticonvulsants, baclofen helps relax muscles and ease facial pain.
  • Antispasmodic Medications like Clonazepam (Klonopin): The doctor may prescribe Clonazepam to reduce muscle spasms and alleviate pain.
  • Tricyclic Antidepressants like Amitriptyline: Amitriptyline is primarily an antidepressant. But it can also be effective in managing neuropathic pain, including TN.
  • Gabapentin (Neurontin): An anticonvulsant that modulates pain signals in the brain, often used as an adjunct therapy.
  1. Surgical Interventions:

surgical interventionSurgical interventions are considered when medications alone are insufficient in managing TN. They require a detailed assessment by a neurosurgeon. The choice of procedure relies on the patient’s condition, medical history, and preferences.

Various surgical procedures aim to relieve pressure on the trigeminal nerve or disrupt pain signals.

Common surgical interventions for Trigeminal Neuralgia include:

  1. Medications:


Medication is often the first line of treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia in the initial stages. Medications are crucial in managing TN, aiming to alleviate pain and reduce nerve firing.

Commonly prescribed medications for Trigeminal Neuralgia include:

Anticonvulsant Drugs like Carbamazepine (Tegretol):

A first-line treatment, it helps control nerve impulses, reducing pain.

Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal):

Similar to carbamazepine, it stabilizes electrical activity in the brain.

Muscle Relaxants like Baclofen:

Often used in combination with anticonvulsants, baclofen helps relax muscles and ease facial pain.

Antispasmodic Medications like Clonazepam (Klonopin):

The doctor may prescribe Clonazepam to reduce muscle spasms and alleviate pain.

Tricyclic Antidepressants like Amitriptyline:

Amitriptyline is primarily an antidepressant. But it can also be effective in managing neuropathic pain, including TN.

Gabapentin (Neurontin):

An anticonvulsant that modulates pain signals in the brain, often used as an adjunct therapy.

  1. Surgical Interventions:

surgical intervention

Surgical interventions are considered when medications alone are insufficient in managing TN. They require a detailed assessment by a neurosurgeon. The choice of procedure relies on the patient’s condition, medical history, and preferences.

Various surgical procedures aim to relieve pressure on the trigeminal nerve or disrupt pain signals.

Common surgical interventions for Trigeminal Neuralgia include:

Microvascular Decompression Surgery:

This surgery relieves pressure on the trigeminal nerve by repositioning blood vessels or placing an artificial barrier like a PTFE graft between them. Dr. Raveesh Sunkara, a seasoned neurosurgeon, may recommend this procedure for lasting relief.

Cost Microvascular Decompression in India: Typically ranges from INR 1,50,000 to INR 4,00,000.

Brain Stereotactic Radiosurgery (Gamma Knife):

Gamma Knife Radiosurgery emits precise radiation to the trigeminal nerve. It is a non-invasive procedure that disrupts pain signals without an incision. Dr. Sunkara may advise this non-invasive approach for patients who want to avoid surgery.

Cost of Gamma Knife Surgery For Trigeminal Neuralgia: Approximately INR 1,00,000 to INR 2,50,000.

Balloon Compression:

In this procedure, a balloon is inflated near the trigeminal nerve. This approach compresses the nerve and disrupts the pain signals. Dr. Raveesh Sunkara may suggest this as a minimally invasive option.

Cost of Balloon Compression: Typically ranges from INR 75,000 to INR 2,00,000.

Glycerol Injection Rhizotomy:

The surgeon administers glycerol to the trigeminal nerve through a needle. Administering glycerol creates a chemical lesion, disrupting pain signals. Dr. Sunkara may recommend this as a less invasive alternative.

Cost of Glycerol Injection Rhizotomy: Approximately INR 60,000 to INR 1,50,000.

Radiofrequency Thermal Lesioning:

This procedure involves using heat generated by radiofrequency waves. These waves create lesions on the trigeminal nerve. They disrupt pain signals and provide relief. Dr. Raveesh Sunkara may evaluate this option for patients seeking a targeted approach.

Cost of Radiofrequency Thermal Lesioning: Ranges from INR 80,000 to INR 2,00,000.

Please have detailed discussions with Dr. Raveesh Sunkara for the most suitable approach. He will tailor a treatment plan and provide you the estimated trigeminal neuralgia surgery cost.

Schedule a consultation today for personalized and effective Trigeminal Neuralgia relief.

Say goodbye to Trigeminal Neuralgia. Book your surgery consultation Today!

    Let’s move on to our FAQ section. Your gateway to understanding Trigeminal Neuralgia profoundly!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, surgery can successfully relieve trigeminal neuralgia. It can offer lasting relief from severe facial pain.

    The trigeminal neuralgia surgery success rate varies based on various factors. They include:

      • the chosen procedure
      • individual patient characteristics
      • the surgeon’s expertise
      • the underlying causes of the condition

    Treatment costs vary. In India, they generally range from INR 60,000 to INR 4,00,000, depending on the chosen method.

    Trigeminal nerve pain is not always curable in most of the cases. However, choosing the proper treatment is essential to manage and alleviate trigeminal nerve pain effectively.

    Specific details on new treatments may vary. However, surgical advancements, medications, and innovative techniques continually evolve for improved management.

    Trigeminal neuralgia can be a lifelong condition. With proper management, individuals can experience significant relief and improved quality of life.


    1. Maarbjerg S, Di Stefano G, Bendtsen L, Cruccu G. Trigeminal neuralgia – diagnosis and treatment. Cephalalgia. 2017;37(7):648-657. doi:10.1177/0333102416687280
    2. Pan S-L, Chen L-S, Yen M-F, Chiu Y-H, Chen H-H. Increased risk of stroke after trigeminal neuralgia – a population-based follow-up study.Cephalalgia. 2011;31(8):937-942. doi:1177/0333102411405225