Slip Disc Treatment in Hyderabad

Medically known as Herniated/ Ruptured Disc

Likely to happen during thirties to fifties of age

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    Medically known as Herniated/ Ruptured Disc

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    Likely to happen during thirties to fifties of age

“A slipped disc often results from strain or injury”, says Dr. Raveesh Sunkara, often called the best neurosurgeon in Hyderabad. “Factors like age-related degeneration, lifting heavy objects improperly, or sudden twists and turns can contribute to disc herniation. Seeking prompt medical attention can help ease symptoms and prevent further complications.”

Slip Disc TreatmentAwareness and treatment of slip discs are evolving in Hyderabad, with medical professionals like Dr. Sunkara leading the way. The renowned neurosurgeon is acclaimed for his expertise in spinal health. He is dedicated to offering comprehensive care that focuses on both relief and long-term well-being.

Are you seeking a top-notch spine surgeon in Hyderabad for your spinal issues?

Discover the telltale symptoms of a slipped disc with our comprehensive guide. Learn to recognize the signs and know when to seek medical help.

Start your journey to a pain-free life with Dr. Raveesh's slip disc treatment in Hyderabad. Schedule a consultation today!

Symptoms of Slipped Disc

Recognizing the symptoms of a slipped disc is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment. Here are the common signs to watch out for:

Symptoms of Slipped DiscBack pain:

Persistent pain in the lower back or neck is a typical symptom. It often worsens with movement or prolonged sitting.

Numbness or tingling:

Numbness or tingling sensations, known as paresthesia, may occur in the affected area. It may sometimes radiate down the arms or legs due to nerve compression.


Muscle weakness, particularly in the arms or legs, can result from nerve compression. It can affect mobility and coordination.

Difficulty walking or standing:

Difficulty walking or standing upright may occur due to pain, weakness, or loss of sensation due to nerve compression.

Reduced range of motion:

A slipped disc can restrict the spine’s movement. This can lead to stiffness and difficulty bending or twisting the torso.

Pain exacerbated by specific movements:

Certain movements may exacerbate pain or trigger muscle spasms in individuals with a slipped disc. They include bending forward, twisting, or lifting.

Bowel or bladder dysfunction:

In severe cases of slipped discs, nerve compression can lead to bowel or bladder dysfunction. This can lead to urinary or fecal incontinence or difficulty controlling bowel movements.

Are you a loved one experiencing any of these symptoms? Are you looking for effective slip disc treatment in Hyderabad?

Please do not delay in seeking medical help from a neurological expert like Dr. Raveesh Sunkara. With a decade of expertise, he is frequently called the best doctor for slipped disc in Hyderabad.

Now let’s explore innovative approaches designed to get you back on your feet. Here are the options for a slip disc treatment in Hyderabad.

Treatments for Slip Disc in Hyderabad

A prevalent spinal concern, slip disc often leads to discomfort and pain. Fortunately, in Hyderabad, there are effective treatments to alleviate this condition. Dr. Sunkara customizes each approach to meet individual needs. His personalized approach ensures optimal results and restored comfort for each patient. Treatment options include rest, physical therapy, medication, and in severe cases, surgery.

  • Medication:

    Medications play a vital role in managing slip disc symptoms.

    • Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, help reduce pain and inflammation.
    • Muscle relaxants can alleviate muscle spasms.
    • Pain relievers like acetaminophen offer temporary relief.
    • In some cases, oral steroids may be prescribed to reduce swelling around the affected disc.

    These medications provide symptomatic relief. They allow patients to function more comfortably while undergoing other forms of treatment.
    It’s important to follow the doctor’s advice on medication to ensure safe and effective treatment.


  • Slipped disc therapy:

    Slipped disc therapy offers various non-surgical options to ease pain and boost movement. Through physical therapy exercises, muscles around the spine get stronger and more flexible. Manual therapies like spinal manipulation or massage can offer temporary relief by easing pressure on the disc. Also, treatments like heat therapy or ultrasound can soothe pain and aid in healing. Our slipped disc therapy in Hyderabad targets the root causes of herniation. Doing so, it improves the overall health of the spine.

    It’s all about finding the right mix of therapies to help you feel better and move more comfortably.

Slipped disc therapy

  • Surgery:

    When slip disc pain persists despite trying other treatments, surgery could be an option. The different types of surgeries include:

  • Endoscopic Discectomy:

    The highly-skilled neurosurgeon Dr. Sunkara carefully makes a tiny incision. He then uses a small tube with a camera and special tools to gently remove the herniated disc. This procedure offers quicker recovery and less damage to surrounding tissues.

Endoscopic Discectomy

  • Minimally Invasive Discectomy (MID):

    The skilled neurosurgeon first makes small precise incisions. Next he uses specialized tools to remove the herniated disc material. It’s less painful and allows for faster recovery compared to traditional surgery.

Minimally Invasive Discectomy (MID)

  • Open Discectomy:

    An open discectomy is a traditional approach where surgeons make a larger incision to access the herniated disc directly. While effective, it may require more time to heal and involve more discomfort than minimally invasive methods.

    Sometimes, Dr. Raveesh Sunkara performs a spinal fusion to stabilize the spine after disc removal. The goal of the surgery is to:

    • ease pain
    • improve function
    • prevent more nerve damage from the slipped disc

    It’s about getting relief and getting back to living life without discomfort.

Open Discectomy

Don't let discomfort hold you back any longer. Reach out to the best doctor for slipped disc in Hyderabad.

Don't let discomfort hold you back any longer. Reach out to the best doctor for slipped disc in Hyderabad.

Let’s look at the recovery process…

Slip Disc Treatment – Recovery

Recovering from slip disc treatment varies from person to person. Generally, individuals may experience a gradual improvement in symptoms over time with appropriate care. Here’s what to expect during recovery:

Slip Disc Treatment – RecoveryPain relief:

After treatment, you’ll likely notice a decrease in pain as inflammation goes down and pressure on nerves eases.


You may do exercises to strengthen your back muscles, improve flexibility, and get moving again.

Take it easy:

Resting and avoiding activities that make your symptoms worse can help speed up your recovery.

Gradual return to normal activities:

As you start feeling better, you can gradually get back to your usual routine with guidance from your healthcare team.

Monitoring progress:

Regular appointments with your doctor help track your progress and make any needed adjustments to your treatment plan.

Start your personalized recovery journey with our seasoned neurosurgeon Dr. Sunkara. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards feeling better!

With time and the right care, you’ll find relief. This will help you get back to activities you love with reduced pain and increased mobility.

Are you wondering if slip disc treatment is right for you? Let’s find out!

Ideal Candidates for Slip Disc Treatment

Here are some signs that you might be an ideal candidate for treatment:

  • Individuals experiencing persistent back or neck pain are ideal candidates for slip disc treatment. Especially, if the symptoms worsen by movement or prolonged sitting.
  • Those with symptoms such as numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms or legs should seek treatment. These symptoms indicate nerve compression from a slipped disc.
  • Candidates who may benefit from treatment to improve function and quality of life include those who have:
  • reduced mobility
  • difficulty walking or standing
  • limited range of motion due to a slipped disc
  • Patients experiencing pain exacerbated by specific movements, such as bending, twisting, or lifting. They may require slip disc treatment to alleviate symptoms and restore mobility.
  • Slipped disc patients with bowel or bladder dysfunction are candidates for treatment to prevent further complications.

Are you the right fit for a slipped disc treatment?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sunkara today. Take the first step toward relief and recovery!

Are you curious about slip disc surgery costs? Dive into our comprehensive guide to understand the factors influencing pricing. Discover affordable options for effective treatment.

Cost of Slip Disc Treatment in Hyderabad

The cost of slip disc treatment in Hyderabad can vary depending on factors such as:

  • the severity of the condition
  • the type of treatment needed (medication, therapy, or surgery)
  • the facility chosen for treatment
  • the healthcare provider’s fees

Generally, the cost can range from INR 2,00,000 to INR 4,00,000 or more. This includes consultation fees, diagnostic tests, medication, therapy sessions, and surgical expenses if required.

Would you like to know how much a slip disc treatment in Hyderabad will cost you?

Please consult the experienced neurosurgeon, Dr. Raveesh Sunkara, for cost-effective treatments. He can provide an accurate estimate based on your specific needs and circumstances. With numerous happy clients, he is known to many as the best doctor for slipped disc in Hyderabad.

Are you ready to embark on your journey to relief?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sunkara today! Discover personalized treatment options tailored to your needs.

Take the first step towards reclaiming your spine health and living pain-free!

Uncover answers to your pressing questions in our FAQs on slipped discs. Empower yourself with insights to make informed decisions about your spine health.

Frequently Asked Questions

A slip disc, or herniated disc, can occur due to:

    • wear and tear on the spine
    • injury from lifting heavy objects
    • sudden twisting movements

Diagnosis to confirm the presence of disc herniation typically involves:

    • physical examination
    • review of symptoms
    • imaging tests such as MRI or CT scans

While slip disc treatment can provide relief, there is a risk of recurrence. Especially, if you don’t address underlying factors such as poor posture or improper lifting techniques. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and practicing good ergonomics can help reduce the risk of recurrence.

Slip disc treatment begins with conservative measures such as rest, medication, and physical therapy. Doctors only consider surgery if symptoms persist despite conservative treatment or if there is severe nerve compression.

To prevent a slip disc from worsening, it’s essential to:

    • maintain a healthy weight
    • practice proper lifting techniques
    • engage in regular exercise to strengthen core muscles
    • avoid activities that exacerbate symptoms